Monday, December 12, 2016


9-19-26 Letter

Well this last week was super good! We just focused on finding new people and doing splits to help the other Elders in the zone. It has been a pretty successful week and Elder Erickson and I work really well together! Hes from Ogden, Utah and Ill be with him for the next 3 weeks until he goes back. Its been super fun to be with another gringo for the first time in a long time. 

Our ward here is great. Its the strongest wards Ive been in, I think its the biggest in our mission. Most have had like 80-100 people going every Sunday but this last week we almost broke 200 people in church..and the chapel is relatively small so there isnt much room to put more people so I dont know how we are going to be able to do it! But we work a ton with the members. This last week in Ward council we got 6 references from members and they are taking us this week to introduce us to their friends, families and neighbors. 

As far as Andersons family, they were not able to come to church this last week because they work in events and had gotten home at 8:30am after working all night long. But dont worry they are still super excited to come to church and prepare for their baptisms for this next month!

I feel like the mission and the Elders here in the mission have changed a lot. I feel like some of the Elders here in our zone dont want to be here..they are just trying to stick it out until the end of the mission and it makes me sad. As a zone leader I have really been able to know all of the elders here and have been able to see their desires and their drive and what they want to accomplish. And we are trying to do everything we can to help them so they can keep going strong but sometimes its hard..but I know the Lord blesses us as we try to motivate and inspire the other Elders here in the zone.

Well I dont have a bunch of time but I wanted to share a couple of verses with you guys. Alma 29.1-4

 O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mineheart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump ofGod, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voiceof thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, thatthey should repent and come unto our God, that theremight not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth. But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for Iought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.I ought not to harrow up in my desires the firm decreeof a just God, for I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire, whether it be unto death or untolife; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable, according to their wills, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction.

This is one of my favorite parts in the Book of Mormon and I know what it says is true. I am so grateful to be here in the mission and fulfilling my dream..and being in the mission has really made me understand this scripture more. God does give us according to our desires. We all have our agency, and part of our mission here on earth is to use it wisely to make right decisions. And with our agency we have to do good to serve all others in every way possible. We have to take advantage of every moment we have so that the Lord can bless us and help us grow and change. I love you guys a ton!

      Elder Solari

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