Wednesday, March 9, 2016


We had to take a survey so I dont have a whole lot of time to write but Ill do my best!

This week was good. We worked super hard and met most of our weekly goals and committments we set so were happy. This week we really found out how huge our area really is, and we have been working a lot in the rain. And have found a few people that the Lord has prepared for us.

A cool experience this week. So last Sunday, 8 days ago, we were in a meeting after church at like 7pm, and these 2 random people enter the church and are looking around trying to find out what the building is and what we do. So we talk to them and they are way interested in the church and hearing more! So one of them lives here in our sector, and the other lives in another stake. So this last Tuesday we spent almost 2 hours searching for this address and we finally found it! And Hna Charlotte accepted the invitation to be baptized. So we have been working with her this week and she is prepared! She has some cousins that are some members in another stake and has always wanted to be baptized but her parents wouldnt let her. But now she is 18 years old so she can get baptized! We are so grateful that the Lord always prepares people for us and answers our prayers so we can harvest the fields.

This last week I have been studying Jacob 5 a little bit and I love how it talks about how the Lords Servant, the Prophet, went and called more helpers to work in the field and harvest (missionaries). And that this really is the last time the Lord is going to harvest in the vineyard. I am so grateful every single day to be involved in the most marvelous work. I love this quote from Joseph Smith ¨´After all that has been said, the most important is preach the gospel¨¨ Its something like that and I read it every single day. Read Jacob 5:70-72 it talks about Missionary Work, something everyone can help in. I love you guys! Go on visits with the missionaries serving in your ward!



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