Wednesday, April 6, 2016


When President Monson announced the new Temple that is going to be built in Quito, Ecuador the WHOLE Chapel erupting shouting for joy and saying wow. The people here are so excited to be getting another Temple here in Ecuador! The missionary work here is growing so rapidly it was only a matter of time.

Wow this General Conference was great! And I was able to understand all of it in Spanish which is better than the last conference! My 2 favorite conference talks were Elder Gary E. Stevenson from the 12 and Elder Gerrit W. Gong from the presidency of the 70. Two powerful talks. One about the Priesthood keys, why they are so important and crucial, and where we find them being used in the church. I loved this talk when he shared about missionary work. I also enjoyed Elder Gongs talk about Jesus Christ, and how we need to always remember his hand in all the great things that happen in our life. Because its really a lot of what we do as missionaries. We help people to understand the role Jesus Christ can have in their life. And how we can be blessed and have miracles pass in our lives daily.

Speaking of miracles, we had one this last week. So about a month ago we made a committment to have one baptism this weekend of General Conference. As a missionary we make a lot of committments with the Lord, like how many baptisms were going to have in a given month, how many investigators we are going to have in church, things like that. So our baptism for this week we baptised last week (Joel). So we started this week with a couple baptism dates for later this month and nobody for this week. So we started this last week praying like crazy. And Monday we received a reference from the Offices of the Church. We went and visited him right away and he accepted to be baptised yesterday! His name is Victor Cruz and we taught him everything in 4 days. He is studying medicine in College here and is 19 years old. He had gone to church in different wards with some friends in his University. It was an amazing experience. Because when we were talking to him Monday he told us he wanted to get baptised before we even brought it up. And then we told him he could get baptised Conference Sunday and his face lit up and he said ´´´Si, quiero hacerlo¨¨ (Yes I want to do it). It has been such a marvelous week. I know that the Lord blesses us as we trust in him completely. Like we can read in Alma, he gives us according to our desires. But we have to do our part and he will help us reach our goals. He is blessing us every single day!

I love this quote from President Thomas S. Monson during Priesthood Session:
“Remember who you are and what God expects you to become. You are a child of promise. You are a man of might. You are a son of God.”
I know that this quote applies to all of us. In all instances we need to remember who we are and who God wants us to become. It will help us make the best decisiones possible so that we can return to live with him and our families forever. 


Elder Solari

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